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Guangdong Province Facts

Guangdong Province and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Facts:

The population of Guangdong province is 83,037,000
(by comparison the population of the State of Texas is 21,000,000)


.Population Density
The population density of Guangdong province is 1,260 people per square mile
(By comparison the population density of the State of Texas is 80 people per square mile)


There are 41,341,000 people currently in employment or of employment age in the province of Guangdong


Average Annual Income
The average annual income per capita for Guangdong province for 2001 was RMB 11,137 (US$ 1,346) compared to RMB 7,703 (US$ 931) for the urban average for the whole of China


Land Area
The land area of Guangdong Province is 68,572 square miles (177,600 sq. km.)
(by comparison the land area of the State of Texas is 261,914 square. miles)


Guangzhou, with a population of 12.59 million, is the capital of Guangdong Province


Guangdong has a subtropical climate. Summer can be sweltering hot and wet. Typhoons hit this province frequently in summer and autumn. Annual rainfall averages nearly 1500-2000 millimeters and annual temperature averages 19C - 26C. So the best time for travellers to Guangdong is in spring and autumn.


Exports from Guangdong province in 2004 were US$ 191.6 billion representing 34% of exports from the whole of China.  This represented an increase of 25.3% over the previous year.


World Trade
Because of its proximity to Hong Kong and its ports in southern China, Guangdong province is the major exporting province in China.
In 2004 foreign companies invested US$ 19.4 billion in Guangdong province and there are now 47,102 registered foreign enterprises in the province.


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